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Home Expat Living Guadalajara City Living City Living - November 17, 2012

City Living - November 17, 2012

Recycled art

Jordian Diaz, a resourceful downtown Guadalajara street artist/vendor, shows that he not only recycles but creates impressive pieces in a matter of minutes. His regular spot is on the sidewalk on Avenida Juarez, three blocks from 16 de septiembre, near Sirloin Stockade – if he hasn’t been moved on by now under new rules banning street vendors recently implemented by Guadalajara Mayor Ramiro Hernandez.

Gymnastics galas

Guadalajara hosts the Gala Mexicana de Gimnasia on Saturday, November 17. Tapatio gymnast Cynthia Valdez, a five-time medalist (two golds and three silvers) at the Guadalajara 2011 Pan American Games, will be in attendance, as will Daniel Corral, who represented Mexico in the London 2012 Olympic Games.  The gala takes place at 7 p.m. at the Complejo Panamericano de Gimnasia on Martin Alonso 1954 in colonia Colon Industrial.

Then at 7 p.m. on Friday, November 23, a host of Olympic and world champion gymnasts come to the same venue for the Gala de Estrellas de Gimnasia 2012. Mexico’s Elsa Garcia, Ana Lago and Daniel Corral will be joined by top gymnasts from Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Romania, Spain and the United States. Tickets cost 200 to 450 pesos and are on sale at

Salon de Octubre

Art aficionados have until the end of the month to view the work  of some of the most talented young artists in the state of Jalisco. The quality of art accepted in the annual Salon de Octubre competition is excellent and would not look of place in a gallery in any of the world’s great capitals.  You can see the more than 150 paintings at the delightful  Ex Convento del Carmen, Av. Juarez 638.


Good news for pancake lovers: IHOP, the U.S. chain formerly known as the International House of Pancakes, has opened a new branch in the Plaza Las Ramblas on Avenida Chapultepec and Niños Heroes. While its focus is on breakfast foods such as pancakes, waffles, French toast and omelettes, IHOP also offers a menu of lunch and dinner items. IHOP’s first Guadalajara branch opened in Plaza Ciudadela on Avenida Moctezuma 1437 in early 2011.

Art Tianguis

Celso Rodriguez, president of Jalisco’s Supreme Court, admires a painting  by one of 48 artists who participate in the Sunday art tianguis at the Chapalita Glorieta.  The artists are currently exhibiting in the patio of Guadalajara’s Palacio de Justicia, located on the Plaza de la Liberacion next to the Congress building. The mixed media show is open to the public from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., until Friday, November 23.  The art tianguis at the Chapalita Glorieta (Guadalupe and San Ignacio) runs each Sunday from around 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. There’s a fun family atmosphere (many people like to show off their well-groomed dogs) and the Zapopan brass band plays in the kiosko at 5 p.m.  A number of restaurants and cafes circle the glorieta, or are within a few blocks.

Buen Fin

Don’t forget that many city stores will be offering discounts this holiday weekend, as part of “El Buen Fin,” Mexico’s answer to Black Friday.


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