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Home Expat Living Guadalajara City Living City Living - June 23, 2012

City Living - June 23, 2012

US Independence

The American Society (AMSOC) is preparing yet another traditional bash to mark the 236th anniversary of the independence of the United States.

The party will be held on Saturday, July 7, from 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. The menu features beef or chicken burgers with all the fixings, French fries, iced tea and ice cream.

Great raffle prizes will be on offer, including haircuts, facials, Mary Kay products and breakfast vouchers.

Tickets for the event, as well as raffle tickets, are on sale now.  The cost is 100 pesos for AMSOC members, 120 pesos for guests and 50 pesos for children aged under 12.

Seating is limited, so don’t hang about!

Guest of honor will be U.S. Consul General Daniel Keller, who is coming to the end of his three-year tour of duty and will be leaving Guadalajara later in the summer, he told members of the American Chamber of Commerce this week.

AMSOC is located at Av. San Francisco 3222, Colonia Chapalita. Open Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. A hot lunch is served Thursdays from noon to 1:30 p.m.

Guadalajara to Timboctou

“Timboctou,” a multicultural and bilingual play first performed in Los Angeles in March, is coming to Guadalajara next month.

Written by Alejandro Ricaño from Veracruz and directed by Martin Acosta from Guanajuato, “Timboctou” is primarily in Spanish, with English subtitles flashed onto the far wall. Acosta says the title is intended to draw to mind “the farthest imaginable place on earth … a mythological place that, in principle, no one could or should get to.”

The play opens with the story of twins who are tasked with depositing four dead bodies in a McDonald’s parking lot. Interwoven into the tale are the lives of a lovelorn Spaniard, a bewildered head of state and two young Americans on vacation. As each character goes through horrific experiences they fall into a pit of denial, drugs, alcohol or vengeance.

“Timboctou” will be performed at the Teatro Experimental de Jalisco (Calzada Independencia, Nucleo Agua Azul) on July 6 to 8 and 13 to 15 (8 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays; 7 p.m. Sundays). Tickets cost 120 pesos (100 for students, teachers and pensioners). Telephone: (33) 3619-1176 or 3619-7694.

LGBT film series

The University of Guadalajara (UDG) and the United States Consulate are sponsoring a short film cycle on the theme of sexual diversity (pertinent timing given the annual LGBT parade taking place this weekend, see page 5).

The Consulate says the aim is to “promote tolerance and respect for humans rights for these groups.”

Up first on Monday, June 25, 7 p.m. is “The Birdcage” with Robin Williams and Gene Hackman. Wednesday, June 27, 7 p.m. sees “J. Edgar” with Leonardo DiCaprio; and on Friday, June 29, 7 p.m. you can watch “The Kids are All Right” with Annette Bening and Juilanne Moore.

The screenings will be held in the Sala Lola Alvarez Bravo of the Museo de las Artes (in the UDG Rectory building) at Av. Juarez 975, entry from Lopez Cotilla.

Entrance is free and the films will be in English with Spanish subtitles.


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