Last updateMon, 10 Mar 2014 10am

Recommended Mexico reading: 15 of the best

This historical season is the time to learn about Mexico, so we queried a handful of knowledgeable informants about what they recommend, other than Allyn Hunt’s column. What follows are their favorite books about Mexico in English, be they fiction or nonfiction, wide or narrow in scope. Many were originally written in English, some in Spanish, and many are available in both languages, which can make for instructive side-by-side reading for those wishing to improve their command of either language. We generally omitted books our informants described as “boring,” although this list includes both intellectual and popular titles, many of which can be found in the AMSOC (Guadalajara) or LCS (Lake Chapala Society) libraries, or at Sandi bookstore in Guadalajara.

Primavera Mammal Guide reveals hidden denizens of the forest

July 19 saw the launching of a new book describing the mammals of Jalisco’s Primavera Forest. “Mamíferos del Bosque La Primavera, Guía Ilustrada” (in Spanish) has 112 pages and 60 color photographs. The authors are three biologists, Silvia Zalapa, Edgar Godinez and Sergio Guerrero.

Expat retiree pegs Chapala teen for storybook pictures

Mike Headley started dreaming up tales for kids as a young father raising his own brood of three. It wasn’t until his offspring left the nest and he went into retirement that he found the time and impetus to put the stories down on paper to share with a wider audience. His recent discovery of a Chapala teenager with an innate knack for cartoon drawing finally put him on the path towards publication of his first book, titled “Where Do the Tumbleweeds Go?”

Author wins prize for debut novel

The first novel of 32-year-old Guadalajara author Ave Barrera García has won the Premio Latinoamericano de Primera Novela Sergio Galindo de la Universidad Veracruzana – a prize for debut novelists.

“Puertas demasiado pequeñas” is the story of painter down on his luck asked by an eccentric antiques dealer to falsify a 15th century painting.

Reading marathons spread out across state

More than 33,000 people gathered across Mexico to celebrate World Book Day by reading Jane Austin’s classic tale “Pride and Prejudice” on Tuesday. Reading marathons were held in 150 locations across Jalisco, including Guadalajara’s Rambla Cataluña, where over 450 readers took part, including 25 who were dressed in costumes from the 19th century, when the book was set.

Tapatios incline for Jane Austen

Two hundred years after it was published, hundreds of Tapatio literary enthusiasts will celebrate World Book Day by reading Jane Austen’s classic novel “Pride and Prejudice” on April 23.

Public invited to meet distinguished author

The American Society (Amsoc) is hosting an intimate literary event with psychiatrist and Guatemala native Roberto Moulon, author of the English book, “The Iguana Speaks My Name” (Egret Books, 2012), a volume of short stories and a novella. The book reading, discussion and signing are set for Thursday, March 21, 11 a.m.

You're never too old

A book signing celebration was held Thursday, September 20 at Hacienda Ajijic’s Steak House for Dr. Roberto Moulun, whose book “The Iguana Speaks My Name” was published this week.