Last updateMon, 10 Mar 2014 10am

Print Publicity Prices in Pesos (U.S. dollars)

Above sizes are in centimeters, width by height.

Prices below are in Mexican pesos (U.S dollars in parentheses) and include 16% Mexican Sales Tax (IVA)

Back Cover Full Page (full color)                     $5,000 pesos ($430 U.S.)


Full Page (Inside Right Hand, full color)           $5.000 pesos ($430 U.S.)
Full Page (Inside Left Hand, full color)             $4,500 pesos ($390 U.S.)

Full Page (Inside Right Hand, black & white)    $4,000 pesos ($350 U.S.)
Full Page (Inside Left Hand, black & white)      $3,500 pesos ($310 U.S.)


4/5 Page                         $3,000 pesos ($250 U.S.)   Add $450 pesos ($35 U.S.) for color

Page Stealer                    $2,750 pesos ($230 U.S.)   Add $450 pesos ($35 U.S.) for color

3/5 Page                         $2,300 pesos ($195 U.S.)   Add $450 pesos ($35 U.S.) for color

1/2 Page                         $1,950 pesos ($165 U.S.)   Add $450 pesos ($35 U.S.) for color

2/5 Page                         $1,600 pesos ($135 U.S.)   Add $450 pesos ($35 U.S.) for color

1/3 Page                         $1,350 pesos ($115 U.S.)   Add $450 pesos ($35 U.S.) for color

1/4 Page                         $1,000 pesos ($85 U.S.)     Add $300 pesos ($25 U.S.) for color

1/5 Page                         $800 pesos ($70 U.S.)        Add $300 pesos ($25 U.S.) for color

1/6 Page                         $700 pesos ($60 U.S.)        Add $300 pesos ($25 U.S.) for color

1/8 Page                         $530 pesos ($46 U.S.)        Add $200 pesos ($17 U.S.) for color

1/10 Page                       $430 pesos ($38 U.S.)        Add $200 pesos ($17 U.S.) for color

1/12 Page                       $370 pesos ($33 U.S.)        Add $200 pesos ($17 U.S.) for color

These prices are for one advertisement per edition.

Distribution in Guadalajara and the Chapala Ribera is Friday afternoon.
Other areas: the newspaper goes on sale Saturdays.

Tuesday, 5 p.m. to reserve space for display ads.
Tuesday, 5 p.m. for display ad material if we design the ad;
Wednesday, 2 p.m. if the client or publicity agency facilitates the ad.
The print-ready ad must be in .jpg or pdf format at a minimum 150 dpi resolution.

The cost of a simple ad design is included in the price. E-mail us any text and images for the ad in .jpg or .pdf format at no less than 150 dpi resolution and we will e-mail you a finished proof for approval.
Complicated design, redrawing of logos, etc. will incur a 15% cost increase.

15% additional cost, pending availability.

DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIED SECTION: $33 pesos per column/centimeter (minimum 3 cm. height) Columns are 4.8 cm wide.

To place an ad: Send the .jpg or .pdf file to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and include the size you wish to publish, the dates of publication you need, your contact telephone and email, the email address to bill via paypal.com (you do not need to be a member of paypal.com to pay the invoice with a credit card.)

If you wish us to design the ad for you, send us any text and images along with the information above and any pertinent instructions.

9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday-Friday
Offices Closed Easter week and Mexican federal holidays.
Deadline for the Saturday edition for the Saturday before Easter Sunday and Christmas Day is 15 days before publication date.

The Guadalajara Newspaper S.A.de C.V.
Tels. (33) 3615-2177; 3615-0606;
Toll Free in Mexico: 01-800-024-9432
E-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Web Site: http://www.TheGuadalajaraReporter.com

Ajijic Office Hours:
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Friday.
Ground floor of Plaza Bugambilias, Ajijic.
Tel. (376) 766-3338,
Libby Townsend, office Manager.

Chapala/Ajijic Sales Agent: Cecilia Walters
(Monday to Friday, office hours only, please!)
Cel. (331)422-0364
Tel. (376)766-2367