Guadalajara Reporter

Jan 16th
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Home Columns John Pint

John Pint

The rope makers of San Miguel Cuyutlán; hidden, humble and highly talented

The rope makers of San Miguel Cuyutlán; hidden, humble and highly talented

The small towns around Lake Cajititlán are famed for their skilled artisans and you may have seen leaflets and brochures depicting, among other things, the beautiful basalt sculptures, colorful ceramics and rodeo-quality lariats produced in this area, which is only a 40-kilometer drive from Lake Chapala.

Exploring Huasteca’s wonderful waterfalls

Exploring Huasteca’s wonderful waterfalls

Guadalajara has several very well organized clubs specializing in outdoor activities like hiking, camping and mountain-climbing. These clubs offer excursions every single weekend of the year and their members get to see natural marvels that most tourist guidebooks never mention (except my book, Outdoors in Western Mexico, of course!). Some of these groups have been around for a long time, so today’s members benefit from discoveries of little-known sites made by other members decades ago. This year, three of the biggest clubs are celebrating their anniversaries. CEO (Cuerpo de Exploradores de Occidente) is 75 years old, Grupo Montañista Colli is 50 and Club Excursionista Huicholes Jalisco is celebrating its 41st anniversary.

Volcanic vapors and ‘Little Yellowstone’: Searching for fumaroles in the Primavera Forest

Volcanic vapors and ‘Little Yellowstone’: Searching for fumaroles in the Primavera Forest

A mere 23,000 years ago, the Primavera Caldera housed a big lake and was the site of frequent volcanic eruptions and  pyrotechnical explosions. Today the lake has been replaced by woods, but the Primavera’s hot rivers remind us that there is plenty of thermal activity just below the surface.

Obtaining a driver’s license, Guadalajara-style

Obtaining a driver’s license, Guadalajara-style

Having discovered – to my amazement – that there is only one place in the MegaGuadalajaropolis that issues driver licenses to foreigners, I decided to rise bright and early the day I set out for Transito, imagining I was at the start of an arduous and lengthy trial: the quest for my very first Jalisco licencia de conducir.

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