Guadalajara Reporter

Jan 27th
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Home Columns John Pint Electronic books keep expats in far flung spots reading

Electronic books keep expats in far flung spots reading

I must confess that only a year ago, the very thought of reading a book on a computer screen turned my stomach. If you feel the same way, read on, because I eventually made some discoveries you might like.

Last year my problem was that I had plumb run out of good books to read. I had absolutely nothing and out of sheer desperation I decided to open a program that had come preinstalled on my laptop: Nook for the PC, designed to allow you to read books from Barnes and Noble and, of course, buy them too.

Well, it didn’t take long to discover that I could download the latest novel of two favorite authors, Preston and Child, as an ebook for the same price as the paperback version. The difference was that I would have the book “in hand” (well, on screen) instantly and pay no shipping charges whatsoever. So I did it and could not get over the fact that ten seconds after paying with my credit card my book had arrived and I could start reading it.

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