Guadalajara has several very well organized clubs specializing in outdoor activities like hiking, camping and mountain-climbing. These clubs offer excursions every single weekend of the year and their members get to see natural marvels that most tourist guidebooks never mention (except my book, Outdoors in Western Mexico, of course!). Some of these groups have been around for a long time, so today’s members benefit from discoveries of little-known sites made by other members decades ago. This year, three of the biggest clubs are celebrating their anniversaries. CEO (Cuerpo de Exploradores de Occidente) is 75 years old, Grupo Montañista Colli is 50 and Club Excursionista Huicholes Jalisco is celebrating its 41st anniversary.
One nice thing about all of them is that they welcome newcomers, even old gringos like me, so I’ll tell you a little about Grupo Colli’s excursion to La Huasteca last weekend and if you find it interesting, you might check out the websites of these clubs for upcoming activities.
My friend Mario Guerrero (of CEO) told me about Colli’s trip (number 3,342 in its long history) to La Huasteca, one of Mexico’s most beautiful regions, which includes parts of seven states, but was formerly the stomping ground of the Huastec Indians – before they were sold into slavery by the infamous Nuño de Guzman, of course. “You don’t want to miss the glorious waterfalls of Micos,” insisted Mario, “and the stupendous Cascada de Tamul, 105 meters high.” How could I say no?
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