When I signed up for a night-time walk in the Primavera Forest, I knew I would encounter the unexpected and that’s exactly what happened.
A few times every year, the Bosque la Primavera rangers hold a combination campout, night hike and bird-watching session and they really go all out to make it a success. The event started off on Saturday, June 23, 6 p.m. with a Powerpoint show by entomologist Dr. Miguel Vásquez of the public Universidad de Guadalajara (UdG). It seems that each hike focuses on a different subject.
And this time it was insects. The previous one, I understand, was all about bats. Each time, the organizers, Ezequiel García and Maricruz Carrillo, talk some kind of an expert into setting the theme, participating in the hike and even camping out under the stars.
Thirty-three people watched Dr. Vásquez’s slides and they represented all ages and walks of life. I had somehow imagined I would see mainly kids at this event, but children were in the minority. Also surprising to me was the great interest shown by everyone in the speaker’s subject. He was peppered with questions during the slide show and right on into the night.
Next came a getting-to-know-one-another session which was a great ice-breaker. García urged all the participants to find out about their fellow hikers “just as much as the creatures we will see in the woods.” And so they did, making this particular event an ideal way for the shy to make new friends.
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