Guadalajara Reporter

Nov 05th
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Home Columns John Pint ‘Reciclon’ Electronic Recycling Project in full swing

‘Reciclon’ Electronic Recycling Project in full swing

It’s normal to see shopping carts filled with electronics rolling away from Wal-Mart towards the waiting cars of happy purchasers, but last weekend the heavily laden carts were being pushed the other way by conscientious consumers anxious to give their worn-out computers, printers and other devices a “decent burial.”

Hundreds of people in Zapopan and Tlaquepaque were participating in the Reciclón Intermunicipal Program which began in Guadalajara on February 10 and will conclude in Puerto Vallarta and Chapala February 24 and 25.

This project, which is now in its second year, collects unwanted electronics, small electrical appliances, and batteries, all of which go to the REMSA recycling plant in Queretaro (“100 percent Mexican and a green employer”) where they are melted down into plastic and metal base materials. “Ninety-five percent of what we receive is recycled,” said Magdalena Marquez of Zapopan’s Department of Ecology. “Last year we collected 100.2 tons of unusable devices and this year we hope to break that record.”

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