Guadalajara Reporter

Nov 05th
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Home Columns John Pint The price of nature photography: sleepless nights and years of patience

The price of nature photography: sleepless nights and years of patience

Every year Guadalajara naturalist Jesús Moreno produces a desktop calendar/agenda featuring first-class photographs of Mexico’s flora and fauna. Curious to learn about this year’s publication, I caught up with him at his home on the northern edge of the Primavera Forest.

“This year’s theme is the biodiversity of Mexico,” he told me, “and, by the way, you don’t have to go to a jungle to appreciate biodiversity. I took all the insect pictures right here in my front yard.”

While last year’s agenda had contributions from six naturalists, the 2012 calendar features the work of 14 fine nature photographers, including two teenagers and, for the first time, two women.

Apart from 66 outstanding full-color photos of Mexican wildlife, the agenda includes interesting tidbits of information on Mexico’s flora and fauna. For example, when it comes to reptiles, Mexico holds second place worldwide (after Australia), with 804 species. I also learned that more than half the world’s species of cacti are found here (850 of 1,500 species) and perhaps most surprising of all – considering how much of this country is desert – Mexico has the widest variety of pine trees on the planet (44 species).

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