Guadalajara Reporter

Jan 16th
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Home Columns Jeanne Chaussee

Jeanne Chaussee


At last. I see that the Canadian Club is going to present a “Survivor’s Guide to Driving in Mexico” talk at their next meeting. It can’t happen too soon! Every day we see folks running red lights (even when they are actually functioning), driving the wrong way down busy streets and laterals, backing out of parking spaces without even a glance in the rearview mirror, and using horns instead of brakes … and these are the good drivers. Consider attending this meeting (see below). If you’re scared, take a taxi!

Just for me

Why is it that so many people moving here from other countries seem to think that Mexico didn’t exist before they got here? They behave as though it is some sort of fairyland invented and waiting just for their arrival…and in many cases just for them to criticize. They write letters home that there are no plumbers or real gardeners in Mexico and that the place is filled with huge spiders (I guess they are looking for sympathy or want their friends to think that they are extremely brave to come to this ‘awful’ place). The same people are often quick to join various charitable organizations and just as quick to tell those who have labored with the entity for years how it should be run, without any knowledge of its history or the local culture. In some cases, these newly arrived and smarter-than-anyone-else types actually begin to think that they were the founders and at least the saviors of the organization, even though the group has been around for half a century.

Rain, rain

We all wish for an abundant rainy season (at least those with any sense at all do).

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