It’s definitely time for everyone to spruce up their manners. I don’t mean those ones about how to fold your napkin or which fork to use.
I mean the ones of simple courtesy that work to make this a better world. Your life has to be pretty God-awful when you can’t even reply to a pleasant “Good Morning,” from your neighbor or even from a stranger that you encounter on the street. Maybe it’s because we all spend too much time with so-called electronic “social networking” where we never encounter other flesh and blood, or maybe we’re just old and crabby. Whatever it is, greeting someone with a big smile and the best of intentions only to have them give you a dirty look back and put their noses in the air, is a downer. Frankly, we don’t need any more downers. Accept the greeting and smile more — you’ll be surprised how much better you’ll feel — and that expensive facelift will last longer.
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