Guadalajara Reporter

Jan 27th
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Yer out!

The truth is, I admire them. These street kids who make up their own rules for their own games as they go along (well-meaning foreigners teaching the rudiments of Little League ball to local barrio children write that those little athletes like to do things their own way—see story in Laguna Chapalac). It’s difficult for those of us who grew up with the “rules” for everything firmly in place and unimpeachable (or the myth thereof) to cope with those who make up rules as they go along. Sometimes I wish I hadn’t always followed the rules (well, not always but mostly) and had made the winning or the good time the priority. I, and those of you who really believed in doing things the “right way,” probably could have had a lot more fun doing things the “wrong way” — at least sometimes.


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