Guadalajara Reporter

Jan 27th
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The vote

Okay, we’ve all complained about the noise: barking dogs, screaming kids, bands practicing, leaf blowers, screw-ball musicians practicing all night long and neighbors’ sound systems in both houses and cars. Some, recently (probably newbies experiencing their first “rainy season” here) are whining about the thunder that sounds like the lightning is ripping through the house.

None of these things, though, can top the racket made by political parties and candidates holding their rallies through the villages and towns on residential streets (well, as residential as they ever are in Mexico) on otherwise quiet evenings.

Those bands that were practicing in garages are now heralding the mobs of supporters marching and riding into your space, shouting slogans on megaphones and setting off thousands (yes, thousands) of rockets and other fireworks for hours while the principal candidates shout their promises over microphones that muffle their diction until their voices are gone. The one good thing about this racket is that in Mexico, the campaigning has to stop several days before the voting.

It’s a mystery to me, though, why anyone would think that creating this kind of pandemonium is a good way to win friends and influence people.


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