Guadalajara Reporter

Nov 05th
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Home Columns Jeanne Chaussee They’re back!

They’re back!

Those harbingers of the rainy season to come, the cicada beetles, known locally as “rain birds,” are rising from their 17-year rest, climbing through leafy trees and “singing” their good tidings with their unique twittering sound made from pushing air through their abdominal cavities (or something like that).

The good news is that in six weeks, we should begin our much needed and longed for “rainy season” right on schedule. The bad news is that those little critters are also predicting the collapse of roofs that haven’t been fixed, leaks through skylights on to your bed or favorite chair and flooding on your roof or in your gardens where drains have not been cleaned out.

Take advantage of these little “seers” and act accordingly. If the season is anything close to predictions and the high hopes of everyone (especially those in neighborhoods where wells dried up weeks ago) you’re going to wish that you did.


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