Guadalajara Reporter

Nov 05th
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Home Columns Jeanne Chaussee Try to remember

Try to remember

Certainly autumn in this little bitty corner of Mexico can match the splendor of anywhere, including New England, about which virtues are extolled and songs are written.

We don’t have quaking aspen, spreading oaks or maple trees with their magnificent foliage. What we do have is sky so blue that it’s almost purple, and translucent peach and pink colored sunsets spreading a clear, shear, golden light across terraces and patios framed by trees laden with bright orange “tulips.”

Why wax poetic about these things that many of us have learned to take for granted? Because we’ve learned to take them for granted. Put down the cell phone. Take yourselves away from the computer for just a little while and remember the thrill of experiencing these fleeting, precious days for the first time. You’ll remember just how special this part of the world is and why you’re so lucky to be here.


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