Guadalajara Reporter

Jan 16th
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Home Arts & Entertainment Lake Chapala News & Features LLT takes chance on family drama

LLT takes chance on family drama

Lakeside Little Theatre (LLT) went out on a limb to stage what was billed as a “drama with lighter moments” in Bill Barker’s “Best Wishes.” The play is just one step ahead of a vignette of glimpses into the interaction of the siblings of a large family, some of whom have returned to their Kansas roots for the funeral of their mother. Each of the characters comes with his or her own perspective of the truth of family life and baggage filled during what appears to have been a difficult and dusty Kansas upbringing. From the get-go it appears that few of the siblings enjoy the company of the others (some even refuse civil greetings) and now, the thread that held them together has gone to her reward.

Director Peggy Lord Chilton allowed each of the characters to remain alone and inviolate in his or her grief and to act out the angst without regard to its effect on the others.

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