Guadalajara Reporter

Jan 27th
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Home Arts & Entertainment Lake Chapala News & Features Zombies wanted – all in a good cause

Zombies wanted – all in a good cause

Elliot Joachim is still on the lookout for more “zombies” to participate in the “Thrill the World” international dance event, in which participants simultaneously emulate the zombie dance seen in the music video of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.”

The event is to be held in 200 cities worldwide on Saturday, October 27.

This fund-raising event (last year 66,000 pesos was raised for the Cruz Roja) is holding workshops every Saturday at the Ajijic Cultural Center from noon to 2 p.m. and on Wednesdays from 5-7 p.m. at the Hole-in-One Restaurant in San Antonio. Everyone is welcome – young and old, experienced or not. (By the way, zombies are not well-known to be light on their feet.)

Those folks who aren’t quite ready for the dancing part of this event can find a zombie to sponsor (that’s how they raise funds for charity) and join the party that Emilio at Club Exotica is going to throw for participants after the big dance.

For more information contact Joachim at 766-2145 or (cel.) 331-546-0249



0 # MartinGuest 2012-10-25 12:22
Que padre que lo estan haciendo en GDL-Ajijic.
We are doing it in the EUGENE_SPRINGFI ELD Oregon.
GOOOOOOO Ducks and go Thrill the World
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