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Day of the Dead: For 25 pesos or less

For decades, Guadalajara’s Feria de Carton (Day of the Dead market) in the Parque Morelos on the Calzada Independencia has been the place to go for economical holiday knick-knacks.

Consumer survey - October 20, 2012

Consumer survey - March 31, 2012

US Consulate ready to help citizens exercise their right to vote

Thousands of U.S. citizens residing in or visiting Mexico will cast absentee ballots in November’s general election.

Turn out the lights!

For the sixth year running, participating cities, citizens and businesses around the world will curtail their energy consumption for one hour, Saturday, March 31, in a show of support for conservation and to raise awareness for climate change. 

Consumer survey - September 22, 2012


Semana Santa (Holy Week) is an important time for relaxation for Mexican people and many businesses will close their doors for the entire week.

Passport renewal simplified for Canadians

Good news for Canadian expats: a new simplified passport renewal system will become active as of September 17.

Legal eagle talks turkey on immigration matters

Chapala’s Century 21 AccessMex real estate company drew a full house for a free seminar on Mexican immigration and customs policies presented by bilingual legal eagle Spencer McMullen of InterCasa Financial Services.

Worsening bird flu sees egg prices skyrocket

Egg prices continue to rise with the avian flu outbreak in Jalisco having now claimed the lives of over 10 million livestock.

Help for foreigners driving in Mexico

For American and Canadian RV travelers, road trippers and backpackers who might have a little trepidation these days about a sojourn through the lands of their southern neighbor, Paul Beddows has started to ease their expectations and facilitate meet ups and group trips in Mexico.

US Consulate updates visa procedures

New regulations at the U.S. Consulate General in Guadalajara aimed at speeding up visa applications do away with interviews for visa renewals from applicants whose visa is less then four years out of date.

Mexico remains ideal for retirees

Many Reporter readers will already know this but now it’s official: Mexico is one of the best places on earth to retire.

Be an Absentee Voter, not an Absentee Citizen—VOTE!

This slogan, from a U.S. Navy veteran, has particular significance to the large community of American ex-pats and dual U.S./Mexican citizens who live through-out Mexico.

BBC hosts Mexico month

With television programs and online content exploring different facets of life in Mexico,  the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) World News is dedicating February to all things Mexican, as part of a new series highlighting a different country each month.

Consumer survey - May 26, 2012

US voting laws change for overseas residents 

New absentee voting laws are in effect for the 2012 elections in the United States. Voters will no longer automatically receive ballots based on a previous absentee ballot request.

‘Supermoon’ to rise Saturday night

Those of you who like to gaze into the night sky should not go to bed early Saturday.

Feasting on the bread of kings

During the first week of January, Mexican bakeries and grocery outlets will be stocked with rosca de reyes, a crown-shaped lightly sweetened bread decorated with jewel-like candied fruits that is the traditional Kings Day holiday treat.

Before the loaves go in the oven, the baker stuffs one or more tiny baby dolls into the raw dough. The infant figures symbolize hiding of the Christ Child for protection from the bloodthirsty King Herod.

Families and friends customarily gather on January 6 to share a rosca, on the understanding that anyone who cuts a slice studded with a doll will be designated as a godparent of the Baby Jesus and by extension, host for a traditional Dia de la Candelaria (Candlemas) tamale feast to be held on February 2 as the holiday season finale.

Consumer survey - April 21, 2012

Mexico’s lucky new year traditions

A New Year. As that fateful moment rolls across the globe from Kiribati to American Samoa a multitudinous collection of traditions dot the human landscape. Fireworks burn sulfur and charcoal across the skies, the ball drops in Times Square, “The Blue Danube” pours through the streets of Vienna, and 108 strikes ring from the gongs of Buddhist temples across Japan. People seize on the changing of that last little number in the date to update themselves, to refresh their goals and molt the accumulation of misdeeds, heartache, apprehension, and plain old ill luck. Latin people are especially fond of a number of superstitions to birth an auspicious new year, Mexicans being no exception.

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